#METCsnaps – Digital Learning Day

#METCsnaps from Kristen Mattson's Picture This: Put Student Voice in Your Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Our METC Conference continues its celebration of digital learning with students and teachers.  For Thursday, February 22, METC Education Plus is sending out the call to share our digital resources and learning in celebration of Digital Learning Day @OfficialDLDay with the hashtags #METC18, #METCedplus AND #METCsnaps.

I am still thinking about Dr. Kristen Mattson’s breakout session using images to give students a voice.  What a wonderful way to combine media literacy with digital citizenship.  In the session, we practiced our skills by walking a gallery of images and then dividing into groups near the image that “spoke” to us. Great discussions followed with questions similar to the ones Kristen listed in her new book Digital Citizenship in Action.  She also shared a set of Digital Citizenship Discussion Cards which you can download for your own classes. Her Pinterest board of DigCit images for class discussion is shared here.

Digital Citizenship Day #METCsnaps Project

I made my #METCsnaps using a Google Slide as the base instead of Snapchat itself. Just followed Tara Martin’s tutorials on using Google Slides or Google Drawing to create a BookSnap.


Made this with a Google Slide following Tara Martin’s directions in her tutorial video below. 

  • Took pictures of the page I wanted to use. Cropped to fit the Slide.
  • Made a sticker of the Tweet Kristen shared out during conference.
  • Added book title image.
  • Text box with title & author.
  • Linked to Kristen’s blog where she posted the images she used in a breakout session.
  • Outlined the questions for the activity on the book page.
  • Reflections in conversation bubbles with my mini me Bitmoji.
Besides having my Digital Learning Day project completed (for once I’m a day ahead of a due date), I can use the same #METCsnaps image for next week’s Education Plus LMS PLN Demo Show. Simply dropped the image on the Google Slide, added my name, info, and another cute picture of my bitmoji self. Done!!!  

Ready to share next week my takeaway from METC with my ideas of using a similar image gallery walk for professional development activity connected to a digital citizenship session I’m working on for a full day professional development on using technology in the school library.

Interested in the Education Plus Library Media Specialist PLN? Please join us in person or virtually next Wednesday, Feb. 28th.  For more information contact me by email:  lindough@gmail.com